Eve Howard's Spanking Blog October 2016 October 02 2016, 1 Comment

They heard there were spanking parties
And wondered - was it true?
Because that thing called spanking
Was the thing they most wanted to do
They dreaded attending a party
Despairing of being too shy
Of being too big, of being too small
Of being a single guy
They continued to read about parties
Until they could stand it no more
They longed to experience spanking
And really go hardcore
They started to make appointments
With penpals not yet met
They also made arrangements
To a spanking, give or get
Booking a room for the party
Their excitement continued to grow
Choosing their outfits, packing their bags
They couldn't wait to go
The first few spanking parties
Not many women were there
This was the era of personal ads
VHS, magazines, public hair
The rooms were very modest
The suites weren't very large
But how fondly we remember
Our beloved Sportsman's Lodge
It had a tiki bar, gliding swans and
an English pub
And once a year became L.A.'s
Premiere spanking club
Through Cosmo ads more women
soon discovered Shadow Lane
They realized they were not alone
They realized they were sane
And they became determined
To breech the Scene and play
To reinvent themselves as debutantes
Who'd gone astray
Of course the spanking parties
Attracted ladies fair
Who weren't even shy
Of getting spanked upon the bare
The years flew by, the parties grew
Too big for our L.A. hotel
We migrated to hot Palm Springs
Where they soon would know us well
The Riveria had a parrot
and a pair of pools
It also had a Tiki bar
And a ballroom with no rules
In the heat of Coachella
Inhibitions disappear
Some got such a taste for play
They planned a new career
Many spanking parties popped up
All across the land
From coast to coast there now were ways
For bottoms to get tanned
Friendships and relationships
Had already started to form
Suddenly a social life in the Scene
Became the norm
With the internet, our numbers
increased exponentially
Spanking people reaching out
Across the land and sea
We traded warmth for sizzling heat
When we to Vegas moved
And when it came to parties
The hotel space improved
Our dear sweet little Stardust
Had a taste of Vegas old
And what is more, upon their stage
We got bare bottomed bold
But it fell to the wrecking ball
And to Suncoast we went
It has the biggest suites of all
And understands our bent
So every Labor Day
We fill at least two floors
And one can hear crisp spanking sounds
From behind all the doors
Every year sees shining newbies
Mixed with veterans
Various agendas
But all spanking citizens
Some of you we have known for
twenty-five years in all
Some of you will only be
twenty-five this fall!
But no matter how old or how
young we may be
We all speak the language of
Over the knee
It's something that binds us together
It gives us an identity
We share a common culture
A humor, a mentality
When you go to a spanking party
You've decided to commit
You've owned your private fetish
And pledged to follow it
We thank you all for trusting us
For all these many years
For coming out and joining us
Despite your doubts and fears
We love your friendly faces
Your wit and sense of fun
The spanking scene is built
Upon your enthusiasm
So always block out Labor Day
To indulge in your most secret pleasure
The world needn't know your secret
Nor how you spend your leisure
Our gratitude to all our guests
And kind suite party hosts
For all your dear well wishes
And all the lovely toasts
And now all that is left to say is
Happy Halloween
Stay well and we will see you
All in twenty-seventeen!

It really was a great party. Shadow Lane hostess Samantha snapped this photo of Butch and me right after a lovely tribute to 25 years of Shadow Lane parties, hosted by Tom and visited via Skype, by the London Tanner, in Spain, who said some very kind words about us and also presented a eulogy for a dearly departed long time scene friend, Tony (the English fellow who was The London Tanner's co-founder of the Florida Moonshine group). Tony was not only at the first Shadow Lane party, but I do believe that we met him at the first spanking party I ever went to, in Connecticut, in the late 1980's. This was the party that actually inspired us to host a large event for our customers and any other spanking fans who happened to hear about it.
Tom and Nan from Maine, have been coming to the parties for 23 years. As you can see, they never have and never will lose their sense of mischief and play.

Vivian Sweet first showed up at a Palm Springs party over 15 years ago. I don't think she's missed a party since.

Vivian met Jerry at a Shadow Lane party ten years ago. Over Labor Day they got engaged!
A great many models attended the party, including brunette bombshell Snow Mercy. Snow has been visiting Shadow Lane regularly lately and enhancing our video library with her uniquely adorable toppiness.
Harley Havik of The Sanctuary, one of L.A.'s premiere spanking clubs, across from LAX. She will be visiting Shadow Lane to shoot with us in the near future.
We had a very large turnout for this party, reminding us of the old days, before the economy crashed. And we had a huge amount of help and support from the many other suite party hosts who generously offered their time, room space and energy to encourage play and socializing all weekend long.
The tribute lunch we received from Tom and our many, many once a year scene friends, was so touching! It felt good to feel appreciated and have our work over these many years and many changes acknowledged. Later Dr. Lectr organized a beautiful cake, commemorating our silver anniversary of throwing parties.
Some of the suite parties which were open to all, included Harry Michaels' spanking trivia game suite and the Bad Boys session, which he always hosts. Harry deserves a lot of credit for recruiting enthusiastic female volunteer spankers in advance and making sure there are a goodly number of us there to dispense spankings to any bad boys who show up and bend over. He has done this year after year, nurturing a largely neglected group, male subs and switches who very seldom get spanked. Harry has also generously paid for many financially stressed friends in the scene to attend our parties year after year, which was particularly heroic, in the days of our expensive catered ballroom. Thanks, Harry, with whom I am personally celebrating thirty years of friendship.
Tom not only hosted our tribute party, but also allowed the Spanking Court to be staged in his sprawling suite. He deserves a tribute party of his own for all of the generous hospitality he has gifted the party scene with over the years. He too has helped people come to parties, on top of opening his suite to after hours fun. He's been with us so long I think of him as a sort of unofficial godfather of the scene.
Heading up the younger generation of party hosts is Dr. Lectr, whose suite is legendary for staying open virtually all the time, or at the very least until the sun comes up! Dr. Lectr had the big suite at the other end of our floor and kindly allowed every guest to partake of his hospitality at will. All sorts of spanking spectacles go on in Lectr's suite, including Judicial style (severe) punishments, Club Finn (sensual spanking and massage, coordinated by Fineous), and a Vendor Fair, as well as discipline extravaganzas, involving circles of multiple cute spankees at once, straddling their spankers' laps, in wheelbarrow formation. You kind of have to see it to believe it. Nothing like that ever pops up in any TV or Hollywood movie version of a bdsm orgy, which are usually solemn and dull. Also, a bunch of Lectr's crew wore silver t-shirts in honor of our silver anniversary theme, which were very cute on those boys.
Speaking of silver apparel, thank you lovely ladies and gentlemen for shining with beauty for the party. You all looked marvellous. (For reasons of privacy and anonymity, most SL party guests are relatively camera shy, which is why most of the photos that pop up on blogs about parties feature professional models, producers and players. A special thanks to the rare civilians who give in and pose for photo now and then.)
Many thanks to Colodom and spank4fun, for once again hosting the Newbies suite, which for years has provided a safe, sane, first introduction to the party scene for newcomers.
Tammyspk organized a side cocktail party in the swimming pool that drew eighty guests! Merlin and The Bad One hosted a Uniform suite. There were also Superhero and Littles themed suites, as well a Comicon/Cosplay suite, hosted by Dark Steven, Tasha Hastings, Jaibug, Piper and JC
There were quite a few models and videographers at the party and we took advantage of them being in town for the event to pull one of our favorite tops out of retirement. Not only did Brian Tarsis co-star in our new video with the lovely Ten, but he helped us host the entire party.
Here are some photos from the Tarsis spanks Ten shoot, Pouty in Pink, a late September 2016 release:

Ten has a great reason to throw a tantrum. While on vacation, Brian has shipped her phone and tablet back home, so that for once, he can have her undivided attention. But can you imagine anyone doing that to you? Ten is floored.

Face slap!!!
Ten displays her legs and bottom in sheer pantyhose over her black bikinis.

6'2" Brian has a huge hand.

Ten is mad. This is so unfair. No way will she ever give in and just let this thing go.
Thus one of the most perfect bottoms in spankingland is once again bared for strict discipline.
The first spanking didn't take. Ten went ahead and had a new phone special delivered to their suite, at great expense. Because she's a spoiled brat.
This time Brian is serious about getting his husbandly message across.

Ten's pretty lingerie comes off and Brian's strap comes out.

The way to get a young lady's undivided attention.
A large wooden paddle is employed and Ten reacts accordingly. She reacts to all the discipline as a sensitive girl might, but more to this implement than all the rest. The impact of wood cannot be ignored or downplayed.

A highly explicit view of Ten's embarrassing and painful ordeal.

Aw! Time to kiss and make up. The video is Pouty in Pink and it's Brian Tarsis' first in over a dozen years. The adorable Ten, with a slender new look, but sexier than ever, lights up this title with her delicate beauty, shy charm and lively reactions. This is very much a couples' video, but specifically for couples in the scene. With the esoteric bondage, strapping and paddling, it might seem a bit severe for the sensual set. Here the sensuality comes from the beauty of Ten, but the action is purely disciplinary. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as we did filming it.
DVD available here: Pouty in Pink
Spanking Sessions in Vegas
with Eve Howard

Picture yourself in Madison's place, over my knee and receiving a traditional spanking! Of course, it may be painful, but that's all part of the ride. Whether you are an experienced sub who knows exactly what you want and how you want it, or a complete beginner, in search of spanking sensations and unsure of your own limits, I can facilitate your fantasies. I have a lifetime of experience spanking the naughty, so don't hesitate to put yourself in my hands. Just write me for my requirements before your next trip to Vegas, tell me all about your spanking needs and desires, your experiences and/or lack of same, and what your specific expectations might be. I can accommodate most fantasies and greatly enjoy role playing. A few days notice is recommended, a few weeks are even better. Email: eve@shadowlane.com or call 702-395-0783 to speak to me during business hours. Looking forward to meeting you!
Mike on February 09 2019 at 08:17AM
I would love to spank either one of those beautiful bottoms. No paddles, etc just my hand.