Eve Howard's Spanking Blog March 2017 March 30 2017, 5 Comments
Greetings Spanking Enthusiasts!
No one makes me smile like Clare Fonda, who visited Shadow Lane this weekend, and for the first time in years, got in front of our cameras as a spankee again! Drop in on my blog next month around this time, when I'll post exclusive pix from her video with Butch Simms, titled Freudian Slap!

Meanwhile, Spring has sprung and the spanking party season has begun. And for people all over the country who have committed to spanking as part of their social lives, trips are being planned to attend various spanking parties from coast to coast. Luckily, for Shadow Lane, some of these parties happen in Vegas, which brings many models from distant shores into our sphere. Our first featured video this month, "She's Gonna Get It", stars an adorable new couple, in Vegas for that very reason last month.

Joe Stryker, the top in our new video, has been throwing his own superb spanking parties for several years and is as into it as anyone you will ever meet. Practice makes perfect and he's a great spanker.

Joe's beautiful girlfriend, Mackenzie Reed, is just 23 and this was only her second professional modeling appearance. She is a charming and sensitive recent college grad, refined and natural in every degree, a petite brunette goddess, who takes a hard spanking, as though in an ecstasy of sensation.

Like Joe, and most of us, Mackenzie has been dreaming of spanking forever. Now she is living all of her spanking fantasies and that is why she is so beautiful to watch.
"She's Gonna Get It" is available now! ORDER HERE
Scenes from "Love, Worship and Submit"
Another delightful new couple shot with us for the first time earlier this month. Meet beautiful Mistress Aleana and her subbed out boytoy Bart Jackson, who co-star in our new video
Love, Worship and Submit!
This was our 220th video shoot and I was particularly thrilled to discover that this new, high tolerance spankee, got his start in spanking videos at Nu-West! And right around the same time I was going there to shoot for Ed Lee. Bart told us that he'd worked at Nu-West/Leda for years, while he was in his early twenties, taking hard hairbrush spankings and everything else from all the popular top ladies of that era.
Then Bart went on to shoot fifty videos for Jennifer Brooks, that gorgeous blonde switch who got her start with Shadow Lane.

You can imagine how happy I was to find that my new sub male model was so experienced, so able to take hard spankings, etc., and so comfortable in front of the camera. But there was something else to be excited about, he brought an absolutely outstanding top lady with him, Mistress Aleana. I had seen one little clip of them together a few weeks ago and knew immediately that she is something special. Aleana has more than beauty, she possesses poise, grace, the gift of eloquence and lingerie from Agent Provocateur. She expresses her natural dominance verbally, physically and psychologically. And she's sexy as hell through it all.

Mistress Aleana makes her boyfriend ache for her favors, but denies him everything but a vigorous cock slapping, an enthusiastic face slapping and a good, hard corporal punishment session. Fawning on the neighborhood ladies and doing chores and errands for them, instead of attending to his own, has earned him a severe serving of discipline.
In her soft, sex-kittenish voice, and using her supple, slender, shapely, toned body to mesmerize and bring Bart to his knees, Aleana is seductively severe. Yet the energy she brings to administering punishment is unflagging. You just have to see and hear her in action to realize just how interesting she is. This is to be an early April 2017 release.

Scenes from "Caught Red-Handed"

Our other new video, just shot a few weeks ago in Los Angeles, "Caught Red-Handed", features another beautiful new model, Harley Havik. This tall, slender, fantastically shapely, long haired blonde, is a sassy switch, who received her education in the corporal punishment arts at the Sanctuary, the premiere spanking club across from LAX. She shares the stage in this modern spanking drama, with the divine Snow Mercy and one of our favorite and most popular male tops, Steve Fuller, back from a 6 year hiatus from videos.

Snow plays a corrupt traffic cop who shakes an offender down for a bribe to kill a ticket. Harley agrees to the payout, with ill grace, murmuring offensive comments to her uniformed persecutor. This attitude results in Harley being soundly spanked.

Harley reveals this embarrassing incident to her boyfriend, in the interest of foiling the bad police lady's nefarious plans and getting revenge on her at the same time. Steve is all for administering justice to Officer Snow, but not before he makes scofflaw Harley answer for her own misdemeanors. Steve spanks Harley hard.

When Officer Snow comes to collect her payoff money the following day, she is confronted by Harley, Harley's boyfriend, and the video Harley secretly phone-recorded, of Snow abusing her the previous day. Snow obviously wants none of this going on her record, so she submits to the discipline Steve decides she deserves, namely a very hard, bare bottom, over the knee spanking, while Harley gets to watch.

Two exceptional spankees, with lovely faces, rounded bosoms, small waists, long legs, stunning bottoms and peachy creamy skin that gets deliciously pink, fill the screen with beauty. And on top of that, Steve Fuller is back! This video is scheduled for release shortly.

While we were filming at our L.A. location, Stephanie Locke stopped by and couldn't resist spanking the lovely Sky Terrapin, a stunning Amazon switch who currently works at The Dominion, L.A.'s longest running spanking club. Sky and Stef are excellent friends and love to session together. Snow introduced us to Sky during this shoot and we all agreed that she should come to Shadow Lane some day and shoot with us!
Spanking Sessions in Las Vegas
With Eve Howard

Planning a visit to Vegas? Isn't it time you treated yourself to an exciting spanking scene? Haven't you been dreaming about going over a woman's lap, having your pants pulled down and being spanked for longer than you can remember?
I love putting a bad boy through what I call a Shadow Lane audition, where I see if you can take as much as I would require from one of my video guys. This means a long, hard, bare bottom, over the knee spanking; then, a series of bend over punishments, with paddles and straps.
It's fun (for me) to test your limits. (However, much milder sessions are available to those with modest pain tolerances.) Write and tell me what you envision as the perfect spanking and I'll let you know how we can make that happen.
I particularly enjoy role playing but understand that some spankees are merely seeking sensations, without any guilt or shame attached. Everyone approaches spanking differently. Please share your fantasies with me! Email me: eve@shadowlane.com
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CMdOwmkZtLUcT on September 01 2020 at 05:06PM
xFyThDLwWvJeYQ on September 01 2020 at 05:06PM
Jesse on August 08 2018 at 10:26AM
Always love the videos shadowlane puts out. Often wondsr how they find the models..Would love to meet u and who knows .make videos.. Love what u do. Keep up the great work…sad in South Dakota…….