Shadow Lane: featured title "Caught In A Lie" April 15 2014, 0 Comments
Recent Shadow Lane Productions
New April Release from Shadow Lane!
Cute new couple in a classic boy spanks girl domestic discipline drama
New April Release from Shadow Lane!
Cute new couple in a classic boy spanks girl domestic discipline drama
Caught in a lie!
A new spanking cum strapping drama starring
Samantha Grace and Rifferous

her husband is trying to concentrate, Samantha is upended and spanked on the seat of her frilly
pink rhumba panties. Riff isn't buying her commitment to her chores and calls her out for faking it.
There's no faking her reactions to the impact of her 6'4" man's huge hand on her tender bottom.

pink bottom.

husband's lap, but it is one of the most memorable.

the housework, but hiring a cleaning service instead. Of course she gets caught in the lie.

been ordered from upscale take out. This merits a strapping.

This real life couple recreates the classic American 1950's suburban fantasy, which would not be
complete without domestic discipline.